Jeremiah Farias

Get to the Root of Your Blood Sugar Issues

Improve Your Health by Making Diet and Lifestyle Changes that Lead to Better Blood Sugar Control


Blood Sugar Control

Eat the correct amount of food that allows you to achieve stable energy and blood sugar.


Blood Sugar Control

Train in a way that allows you to feel and perform at your best, all while experiencing glycemic control


Blood Sugar Control

Create a routine around sleep and stress management to support your body to function as it’s designed to.


Blood Sugar Control

Discover how establishing your Purpose and Why can be the missing link to attaining optimal health


Work with Me


Get the info you need to start improving your blood sugar all at your own pace


Be a part of a community all with the same goal of normalizing blood sugar levels


Get your personalized plan for optimizing blood sugar levels and health

No Longer Navigate Through Your Health Challenges Alone

What are the obstacles on your path?

  • Uncertainty and a lack of confidence about where to begin to improve your health
  • Finding an exercise/movement plan that considers your interests and abilities
  • Confusion about what to eat based on your unique health goals or situation
  • Finding time to prepare nutritious meals and learning how to choose healthier options on the go
  • Accountability & support

You’ve tried many times. Maybe you are currently trying something new you read or heard about. You follow health blogs and magazines, scroll through numerous social media feeds, and believe this will be it! You are motivated to start making changes and turn your health around.

However, your progress is short lived. You find yourself struggling with the same challenges as before. You slip up a couple times and convince yourself you’ll get back on the wagon next week, only next week never comes. You were initially driven and tasks seemed easy, but now they are laborious. Old habits are finding their way back into your life.

Let’s end this cycle, together.

Let's do this together

  • Create your vision for your health and create goals according to this vision
  • Use your strengths and skills as we experiment with what works for you
  • Troubleshoot when necessary

Experience life-long,
significant change

Grab My Free Guide and Start Improving Your Blood Sugar Metabolism

I review five steps to improve your blood sugar metabolism and overall health.

In my guide, you will learn:

  • How crucial high-quality protein is for blood sugar and overall health.
  • The types of protein you should be prioritizing.
  • Which foods are hurting your health and blood sugar?
  • And more!